Wednesday, December 3, 2014

                     MUSEUM OF YUGOSLAV HISTORY

The Museum of Yugoslav History (short MIJ) was founded in 1996, as an illustration of Yugoslav history throughout 20th century, with the special accent on life and work of Josip Broz Tito. The museum complex includes „The May 25 Museum“, „The Old Museum“,  „The House of Flowers“ and a park with a flower garden and sculptures of Serbian artists. 

The May 25 Museum

The May 25 Museum was built as a gift to Josip Broz Tito for his seventieth birthday. Until 1982 the museum kept a collection of Tito’s batons and gifts he received, both home and abroad.  Visitors could also watch documentaries about his life and work, and there were organized meetings of young people and artists. Today, the museum represents the facility of the Josip Broz Tito Memorial Centre, which collects and preserves documents and objects of Tito’s life and work. You can go there to exhibitions and events organized by the MIJ.

By his own wish, Tito was burried in The House of Flowers, in 1980

The House of Flowers is a beautiful winter garden built for Tito, close to his residence. It comprises a central flower garden and two utility spaces. Opposite the entrance is an open terrace overlooking Belgrade. 

The Old Museum represents a part of MIJ’s ethnogrtaphic collection. There you can see interesting objects such as the japanese „tanto“ sword, an 1870 national costume from Prizren, and a stone gusle (a one-stringed folk fiddle ) which has been crafted from a single piece of stone.

Every weekend, there is a free tour with a professional guidance through the MIJ complex.  The tour on english language starts at 12pm. The tour starts at the entrance of MIJ and continues through all the parts of the complex. It includes an interesting story about the museum’s history, facts about Yugoslavia, Tito’s personality and many other themes and discusions.


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